Welcome to the St. Demetrius Orthodox Church Library page!

This page is devoted exclusively to the church library. Its primary purpose is to post member reviews of the Orthodox books in our library in the hope that more people will be inspired to read them. As a small country parish we can be truly thankful that we have such a rich myriad of Orthodox titles and authors, all because of the contributions of our wonderful members! It is an excellent way to not only help point others to great reads and also enrich one’s own understanding of the Orthodox faith. Please stay tuned as we work to update our library page and add more photos. Thank you very much for your support!

Submit a review

If you would like to submit a book review please fill out the form below.

You may submit as many reviews as you like for books you have read. This participation is open to all members and catechumens. If you wish to submit a review you may do so using the online form below or turning one in to the library. At the end of your review please indicate how you wish to have your name appear. You may choose to have your full name displayed, or use your first name with or without a last initial, or remain anonymous. The requirements are: (1) You must be a member of St. Demetrius or a catechumen (2) While the review you submit should be for a book that is Orthodox, a non-Orthodox book will be considered as there are many worth reading (3) The book must already be in our church library. If you have any questions, just ask! Also, we welcome suggestions for new books to add to the library!

We are gradually adding the list of our book titles. Book titles are arranged alphabetically according to author last name. This allows for authors with more than one book to be grouped together so that you can see all the titles we have available for that particular author. You may view our list of titles at this link: St Demetrius Church Library Books (churchlibrarystd.blogspot.com)